Career Guidance and Support

Career Guidance and Support


As the workplace continues to change and evolve, it’s more essential than ever for workers to find satisfying jobs that are supportive of their health and well-being. Whether you’re a student struggling to decide on a major or an employee looking to make a mid-life career change, having appropriate resources and support can help.

But, many people struggle to determine their passions and talents or even figure out how to leverage them to find a job or career path that fits their needs. A lack of professional guidance and support can cause high levels of stress depression, anxiety, and burnout among workers.

It is crucial that career counselors offer individuals efficient career guidance that will aid them through their career path. These strategies can help them overcome the obstacles they face, and develop an accurate picture of their future and achieve their goals.

This means that career guidance services are based on information about the labour market and help individuals’ ability to locate analysis, evaluate, and analyze learning and employment opportunities to make informed career decisions. This can be accomplished by using validated motivational and goal-achieving instruments that are based on research from scientists. This can be accomplished through partnerships with a range of stakeholders such as learning providers, career services as well as public employment services or « one stop shops ». Additionally, it can be achieved through the development of effective career management policies and procedures.


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